From Depressed to Flourishing

In a sense, a life of flourishing can be described very simply: It is the opposite of depression. Though you may be familiar with what depression feels like and how debilitating it can be, you may be surprised at how exceptionally common it is in...

The Five Goals of Discipline

Discipline is about teaching. In fact, the word...

The Spiritual Sub-text of Music

There is a special joy for a Christian in teaching, because for every subject there is a backdrop of God’s reality and presence. For instance, in the teaching of mathematics, the lesson is about truth and...

Mental Health Awareness in Theological Education

Mental health challenges can affect anyone, including pastors. Raising awareness and providing support within faith-based education is essential for equipping religious leaders with the tools they need to...
man opening pastors box

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A Liturgy of Intercession for One in Ministry

A Liturgy of Intercession for One in Ministry

O God Who Faithfully Ministers to All, you have called us not only  to know you and love you, but also to become like you, pouring out our lives for the sake of others. You call all persons to this noble task, and some you particularly set apart as ministers in your...

Strengthen Your Faith: Science Confirms the Bible

Strengthen Your Faith: Science Confirms the Bible

Today, Christians are faced with challenges from unbelievers which causes many to doubt their faith. Can the Bible be trusted? Are the sections of Scripture written as history meant to be viewed with suspicion until verified by modern science? Jesus talks about the...

God’s Valuation of Women

God’s Valuation of Women

God’s original design of women was good, but Genesis 3 tells us that the fall mars all of creation. In God’s kindness, He still uses both men and women to accomplish His good purposes. Throughout Scripture, including the Old Testament, we see the importance and value...

Navigating Envy in Relationships

Navigating Envy in Relationships

To know that envy disrupts the peace, contentment, and joy that God would otherwise grant to our internal life is bad enough, but even worse is the fact that if envy is not detected, dug up, and thrown out it will inevitably inflict some serious relational damage on...

Enduring Hope: A Pastor’s Guide – Christian Hope

Enduring Hope: A Pastor’s Guide – Christian Hope

God is not a hustler. And the hope he calls us to cannot be built on naive expectations that people will start seeing things the way we do. Our longing cannot be built on the arrogant assumption that we are completely right in the positions we take. It cannot even be...

Conquering Anxiety: Embracing God’s Love

Conquering Anxiety: Embracing God’s Love

I’ve come to believe in a better equation to describe what anxiety does: anxiety equals care minus God. We use the word care for both anxiety and love. We speak of not having a care in the world: that’s about anxiety. We tell someone we care for them: that’s love. The...




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About the President

Dave Wike is a family man. Serving pastors, and those who desire to do the same, became his calling over the last 20+ years. He and his wife Margie live in North Carolina. They have a son living overseas, and three daughters still at home. Dave enjoys writing instrumental guitar music, and plans to complete his Masters in Biblical Counseling. He’s also well aware he can do nothing good apart from the Holy Spirit. 

Dave Wike
