Listening to God’s Voice: Rediscovering Your Identity

Devotion, Inspiration, Pastor's Life, Personal Development

So often we try to find the plan for our lives based on those around us. We listen to what others say about us or the way the world defines us. We try to measure up to other people’s standards. We even look at people we think are successful in this world and then model our lives after theirs. We believe that God has a specific plan for us, yet we spend much of our time looking at social media and determining what we believe about ourselves by trying to figure out what others see in us. But what if we could start with God and listen only to what God says about us?

Who are you listening to? Are you listening to the God who made you and to those who have godly wisdom, or are you listening to those who settle for the ordinary? Other people may not have the best advice for you, but the One who created you always does. Pursue God, read His Word, and surround yourself with godly people. As the saying goes, you become like the company you keep. First Corinthians 15:33 puts it plainly: “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” It’s a good idea to ask yourself, Are the people around me making me better or bitter?

We have an enemy who will whisper in our ears, God can’t use you. You are just an ordinary person. But God chooses ordinary people. After all, if God uses regular people to accomplish His purposes, then He is the One who receives the glory. What happens then is that people won’t say, “Wow, you are so awesome!” Instead they will say, “Wow, God is so awesome!” That is the goal, isn’t it—to bring glory to God?

Perhaps the enemy might whisper in your ear, How can God use you? Think about all the mistakes you’ve made! But this is when we respond, Get out of here, devil! My God is greater! My God is a forgiving God, and I am redeemed in Christ. God has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. He made me a new creation. I am fully His.

When the enemy speaks lies to you or tries to cause doubt, speak Scripture back to him like Jesus did. Stand firm, speak the truth, and give God the glory. Ephesians 2:10 says that “we are his workmanship.” Imagine—you were handcrafted with infinite skill and artistry! If God says you are His own masterpiece, then you should believe nothing less.

Are you listening to the One who created you, or are you listening to what others say about you? Those around you might try to keep you feeling ordinary. We all have to deal with our own hidden motives, so be careful of the motives of others. Family members and close friends will want the best for you; they sincerely want you to reach your full potential. But there are always those who don’t really know what is best for you. They might speak loudly, but you must listen instead to the One who speaks to your heart.

So many times we turn to social media to figure out what others think of us. We look at others and think we don’t measure up. Yet we typically see only their highlights, because most of us post only our best moments. Thus we compare our worst moments or our mistakes with other people’s best moments. Or we compare ourselves with celebrities and models who have been airbrushed to perfection. We can never look like them because what they show us is deceiving.

We can’t rely on the impractical, unrealistic voices that shout at us through culture and social media. The ones who don’t see our potential or worth. The ones who often don’t want us to succeed. No, we must stay attentive to the voice of the One who created us. The One who consistently affirms, encourages, and loves us. The One who protects us and shields us. The One who is both with us and for us.

Jeff Simmons is the founder and senior pastor of Rolling Hills Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee. He also serves as the president of the nonprofit organization Justice & Mercy International. He and his wife, Lisa, are parents to three amazing daughters: Grace, Mabry, and Kate.

Taken from Finding the Extra in Ordinary: Embracing the Beauty of the Christian Life by Jeff Simmons Copyright © 2024. Used by permission of Focus On the Family. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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