Effective Goals to Help You Overcome Grief


It can be hard to stay focused on your health when you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, anxious about the future, or dealing with other obstacles that cause you grief. But you don’t have to abandon your goals in order to get back on track. You can find ways to incorporate healthy habits as you begin to heal. Even if your goals seem small at first, you can take small steps that will help you achieve your larger goals later.

Courtesy of Pastor Resources, here’s how you can create healthy goals and small steps toward healthful healing while you’re grieving.

Create a Plan

The first step to creating a plan for healthy goals is to think about what you want for your future health. You might have a specific goal in mind, like losing 30 pounds, or you might want to create a general health plan that incorporates the many things you’re already doing. 

Moreover, it’s important to keep a log of when you feel stressed. This will enable you to identify potential triggers that are responsible for causing you stress. And when you know what stresses you out, you can start making positive changes in your life.

Make Positive Changes

Once you’ve got your plan in place, the next step is to start making positive changes. This means that you’re putting your actions into practice. For example, you might decide to bring more fresh produce into your meals, or you might turn to whole foods for snacks instead of processed foods. If you’re in a habit of eating foods high in sugar and processed carbs, these changes will help you break these bad habits, which can make you feel better about yourself and your outlook on life.

This might also be a great time to change careers! To professionally highlight your skills and give yourself an edge over the competition, check out these resume templates, which you can use for free!

Make Your Home a Place of Healing

Your home should be a sanctuary for healing and relaxation. But you won’t find either if your house is full of clutter. It’s been proven time and again that clutter creates stress. Therefore, you should make it a priority to declutter.

Consider rearranging your cabinets and closets, clearing out any unnecessary clutter. You might even think about creating a serene space reserved for yoga or meditation.

Make Time for Yourself

Take time for yourself by finding ways to relax. This can include taking a bath, reading a book, taking up a new hobby, or watching television shows you enjoy instead of scrolling through social media. 

It’s also important to make time for yourself without becoming isolated. Make sure to connect with friends and family, and have a “distraction” in place if you feel the urge to isolate.

Try Breathing Exercises

Another healthy change you can make is to incorporate breathing exercises into your daily routine. Research has shown that breathing exercises can reduce stress, which is essential for creating a healthy grieving process.

Try a Bath

Baths are an age-old way to relax and decompress. Add Epsom salt to bath water to relax muscles and create a soothing environment that’s free of distractions. Or, add lavender essential oil to create a calming environment.

Get Outside and Exercise

Get outside and spend time in nature. This can be as simple as going for a walk in your neighborhood or going on a hike in your local park. You can also explore hobbies that incorporate the outdoors, like gardening or trail maintenance.

Pastor Resources helps ministers grow healthy churches. If you have any questions, please contact sales@jcacompany.com.

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