Encouraging Authentic Prayer

Encouraging Authentic Prayer

Though it’s been the better part of eighteen years, I can still recall vividly the day I received a phone call at work from the secretary at the church my wife and I had recently joined. As much as I was confused at how she knew the phone number she had reached me at...
The Core of True Discipleship

The Core of True Discipleship

In recent years, “discipleship” has become the new buzzword. As a result, we’ve seen churches begin to make a shift toward helping people grow up spiritually, and utilize the best means to that end. Leaders have begun to recognize that disciple making involves...
Perception And Our Behavior

Perception And Our Behavior

“The picture I have of prayer is like Luke 15 and the prodigal son story, where the father ran to him and embraced him; I see prayer more as a hug than a kneeling appeal.” Judah Smith in The One: Experience Jesus. This excerpt from the interview we did with Pastor...