3 Great Ways To Unwind Right Now

3 Great Ways To Unwind Right Now

Sunday morning seems to come every single week, doesn’t it? Without fail. And depending on your church’s typical weekly schedule, so does Sunday night, Wednesday night, Tuesday morning Bible study, and the recently popular Saturday night services. On top of that,...
17 Ways Pastors Can Hit the “Refresh” Button

17 Ways Pastors Can Hit the “Refresh” Button

Every pastor who still wants to be in the ministry five years from now needs to take a day or two off each quarter to hit the “refresh” button. The most valuable assets we have, after all, aren’t our offices, computers, books and other tangible resources. Instead, our...
Admin Tools that Save The Pastor Time

Admin Tools that Save The Pastor Time

My husband is a full-time pastor who serves a smaller to average-sized congregation. Our church also has a bi-vocational youth pastor. Beyond that, our other positions are volunteer-based. A pastor, no matter the church size, has daily administrative tasks. Churches...
Get Out of Time Debt

Get Out of Time Debt

The day has come,” time guru said, “To talk of many things”
 Of days and nights and choices too Of calendars and flings
 And why our days are taken up With craziness that chaos brings If you feel like a hamster running on a wheel with no break or your calendar is...