How Gen Z Can Find Its Calling

Leadership, Personal Development, Perspectives

We’re living in uncertain times, of that I’m certain.

A failing economy.

The constant threat of a global nuclear war.



Polarizing politics.

Natural disasters.

Uncertainty tends to breed fear in most of us.

And yet, those circumstances pale in comparison to the fear many of us drum up when we think about our God-given calling.

Every now and then, an invitation arrives, an opportunity to step off the ledge of the no-strings-attached life we’ve built and to step into a previously unexplored, new depth of faith. This is the way of the Trailblazer.

And Jesus routinely and gently extends to us an avenue of release from our over-reliant selves, along with a radical recognition of our longing for God. In these fork-in-the-road moments, Jesus intimately fashions Trailblazers.

Over the course of a lifetime, such catalytic incidents become altars of remembrance. Perhaps the trail ahead calls you to . . .

  • apply to that law school
  • move to that country
  • propose to that woman
  • start that business
  • call and ask for forgiveness from that child

Whatever the “it” is for you, the time has come. Don’t wait! Apply, move, propose, start, call. What’s holding you back?

When I achieve this GPA . . .
When I secure this job . . .
When I have more in the bank . . .
When I make it through Thanksgiving . . .

Recognize each of these as excuses.

They come disguised as distractions, designed to keep you from stepping into your true purpose. Too often, we allow the weight of distractions to keep us from the trail that God has called us to blaze.

Our digital age itself tends to distract us from our purpose. In our over-inundated, information-saturated world, Gen Z often finds itself decision-paralyzed. I know, I’ve been there.

Should I choose this college or that one?

Should I marry him or him?

Should I move to Africa and be a travel nurse or should I be an influencer in L.A.?

If I choose this route or that one, what will become of my life?

Gen Z has no chill with respect to our calling. We’re the drivers of the gig economy. We want no strings attached; we want all our options open. Being tied down? Planting roots? Boring.

But . . . deep down . . . we crave nothing more than stability. Peace. A place to belong. A place to call . . . home.

C. S. Lewis brilliantly put it this way: “If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for some distraction or other to end before we can really get down to our work. The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavourable. Favourable conditions never come.”

Are you waiting for the “perfect” moment to step into your calling? If so, prepare to wait a lifetime.

You must decide whether or not you’ll go after whatever God has imprinted on your heart. And once you decide to step out and blaze the trail, know that distraction will not disappear. Its tempting presence will, in fact, only increase. I say this not to discourage you but simply to name reality and to challenge you to know that the true character of a Trailblazer gets tested in this very arena.

Consider each day an opportunity to partner with Jesus to bring heaven on earth.

But you must choose.

At every turn, at every fork, you will have to make a choice. Will you become a countercultural Trailblazer? Or end up a casualty of distraction?

Jesus has fashioned within you a unique calling that only you can fulfill.

The key to discovering it is throwing out the what-ifs and instead asking Jesus every day, “What now?”

Obedience to Jesus breeds clarity of calling.

So, my friend, don’t wait. Stop holding out for better options, prospects, or opportunities.

A trail lies before you. You have been uniquely fashioned with particular gifts, abilities, and resources to traverse what’s ahead.

Gen Z will find its calling on the other side of its commitment to Jesus’s invitation: “Come, follow me.”

trailblazers book Micah E. Davis

Micah E. Davis is a pastor and he believes the written and spoken word are a medium to illicit heart change and life transformation. He has committed his life to using words for good. Micah lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with his wife Rylei and their Australian Kelpie, Leo. In his free time, he can often be found hiking, reading, or drinking a cold glass of sweet tea.  Micah’s new book, Trailblazers, releases October 17, 2023 from Tyndale Momentum.

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