3 Great Ways To Unwind Right Now

3 Great Ways To Unwind Right Now

Sunday morning seems to come every single week, doesn’t it? Without fail. And depending on your church’s typical weekly schedule, so does Sunday night, Wednesday night, Tuesday morning Bible study, and the recently popular Saturday night services. On top of that,...
10 Ways To Take Your Mind Off Of Work

10 Ways To Take Your Mind Off Of Work

After 20 years in pastoral ministry, my husband learned that if a pastor doesn’t rest his mind, take care of his body, and detach from work regularly he will very quickly burn out. After experiencing burnout twice, resulting in two separate year-long (unpaid)...
5 Lies That Lead To Pastor Burnout

5 Lies That Lead To Pastor Burnout

This article was written by our fearless leader, Dave Wike, and was originally posted on RelevantMagazine.com.  Despite what you may think, burnout isn’t reserved for only Fortune 500 executives and pastors of megachurches. it can blindside any of us. And its effects...