The Outsized Power of Shared Purpose

The Outsized Power of Shared Purpose

In 1992, seven years into my company, I was a relatively new corporate officer and by now a keen student of teams. This was during the period of my father’s death, when Debbie and I joined what turned out to be a booming church. As I described earlier, we saw a...
Recruiting the JV Squad 

Recruiting the JV Squad 

It’s recess on the blacktop back in elementary school and all the kids are lined up eagerly awaiting your finger to point in their direction. While their self-esteem hangs delicately in the balance, the only thing on your mind is winning. That’s the job of the captain...
The 1 Key Trait You Need On Your Team

The 1 Key Trait You Need On Your Team

In our work with churches and businesses, hands down the leading question people ask is, “Where do I find ‘good people’?” But more specifically, what they’re asking is, “What traits should I be looking for in potential team members and volunteers?” Of course, there...