Giving Your Worship Service a Budget-Friendly Facelift

Giving Your Worship Service a Budget-Friendly Facelift

Has there begun a slight indentation on the top of your desk from where you bang your head each week trying to plan yet another worship service? Have you already run out of fresh ideas for Sunday worship this year . . . and it’s February? Are you not one of the lucky...
The Pastor’s Struggle with Personal Finances

The Pastor’s Struggle with Personal Finances

In July 2015 Grey Matter Research surveyed 4,249 pastors and discovered that 50 percent receive less than $50,000 per year in compensation with 30 percent having student loan debt averaging $36,000. Thirty-three percent have under $10,000 in retirement funds, and 29...
Beating “Preacher’s Block” With Old Ideas

Beating “Preacher’s Block” With Old Ideas

Most pastors would probably say that preparing for and delivering Sunday’s sermon, something that a large majority of people would claim to be terrified or possibly even completely incapable of doing, is actually usually the easiest part of their job. Pastors do what...